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المسجلين: 0 طالب
المستوى: Advanced

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Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Sunday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
  • (UNREAL ENGINE) عدد الساعات الدورة 30 ساعة تدريبية مدتها شهر .
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    • يتوفر هذا العرض وجاهي وأيضاً أونلاين والأولوية للوجاهي لأول 10 تسجيلات.
    • ملاحظة : تملك الأكاديمية الحق في تأجيل أي شعبة لا يكتمل العدد فيها لمدة لا تزيد عن 10 أيام كحد أقصى.
    • تواصل معنا عبر الواتساب وسيتم الرد بشكل مباشر Whatsapp icon - Free download on Iconfinder
    • العنوان : عمان – شارع الجامعة الأردنية – مقابل البوابة الرئيسية – مجمع الحسن والشحرور –  الطابق الخامس – مكتب 507     للحجز : يرجى الإتصال على الرقم التالي : 0788052103 – 0788757093
    • شاهد المحتوى التدريبي الخاص بكل دورة :

Part I: Unreal Engine 5 Overview

  1. Getting Started with Unreal Engine 5
  2. Working with UE5
  3. Content Pipeline
  4. Lighting and Rendering
  5. Materials
  6. Blueprints

Part II: Your First UE5 Project

  1. Setting Up the Project
  2. Populating the World
  3. Making it Interactive with Blueprints
  4. Packaging and Distribution

Part Ill: Architectural Visualization Project

  1. Project Setup
  2. Data Pipeline
  3. Populating the Scene
  4. Architectural Lighting
  5. Architectural Materials
  6. Creating Cinematics with Sequencer

Unreal Engine Detailed Outline:

Part I: Unreal Engine 5 Overview

  • Getting Started with Unreal Engine 5
  1. What Is Unreal Engine 5?
  2. A Brief History of Unreal Engine
  3. Introducing Unreal Engine 5
  4. UE5 Highlights for Visualization
  5. Developing Interactive Visualizations with Unreal Engine 5
  6. Unreal Engine 5 Development Requirements
  7. Teamwork in Unreal Engine 5
  8. Costs of Developing for UE5
  9. Cost Savings of UE5
  10. Resources and Training
  • Working with UE5
    1. Unreal Engine 5 Components
    2. Project Folder Structure
    3. Understanding .uasset Files
    4. Unreal Engine 5 Content Pipeline
  • Content Pipeline
    1. Content Pipeline Overview
    2. 30 Scene Setup
    3. Preparing Geometry for UE5
    4. FBX Mesh Pipeline
    5. Texture and Material Workflow
    6. Importing to the Content Library
    7. Camera Workflow
  • Lighting and Rendering
    1. Understanding Unreal Engine’s Physically Based
    2. Rendering (PBR)
    3. Lights in UE5
    4. Understanding Light Mobility
    5. Real-Time Reflections
    6. Post-Processing
  • Materials
    1. Materials Overview
    2. UE5 Material Editor
    3. How Unreal Materials Work
    4. Surface Types
    5. Material Instances
    6. A Simple Material
  • Blueprints
    1. Introducing Blueprints
    2. Objects, Classes, and Actors
    3. The Player
    4. The Player Controller
    5. Pawns
    6. The World
    7. Levels
    8. Components
    9. Variables and their types
    10. The Tick
    11. Class inheritance
    12. Spawning and Destroying
    13. Blueprint Communication
    14. Compiling the Script

Part II: Your First UE5 Project

  • Setting Up the Project
  1. Project Scope
  2. Creating a New Project from the Launcher
  • Populating the world
  1. Making and Saving a New Blank Level
  2. Placing and Modifying Asset
  3. Let There Be Light
  4. Moving Around the Scene
  5. Building the Architecture
  6. Adding Details to your structure
  • Making it Interactive with Blueprints
    1. Setting Up the Project
    2. Press Play
    3. Creating the Pawn
    4. Input Mapping
    5. Creating the player controller Class
    6. Adding Input with Blueprints
    7. Rotating the View(Looking)
    8. Player Movement
    9. GameMode
    10. Placing the Player Start Actor
  • Packing and Distribution
    1. Packaged Versus Editor Builds
    2. Project Packaging
    3. Packaging Options
    4. How to Package
    5. Launching Your Application
    6. Packaging Errors
    7. Distrubuting the Project
    8. Using Installers

Part III: Architectural Visualization Project

  • Project Setup
  1. Project Scope and Requirments
  2. Setting up the project
  3. Applying Project Settings
  • Data Pipeline
    1. Organizing the Scene
    2. Materials
    3. Architecture Fixtures
    4. Exporting the Scene
    5. Importing the Scene
    6. Prop Meches
  • Populating the Scene
    1. Scene Building for Visualization
    2. Setting Up the Level
    3. Placing Architecture Static Meshes
    4. Placing Prop Meshes
    5. Scene Organization
  • Architectural Lighting
    1. Getting the Most from UE5’s Lighting
    2. Static Lighting with Lightmass
    3. Adjusting the Sun and Sky Lights
    4. Building Lighting
    5. Lightmass Settings for Architecture Visualizations
    6. Lightmap UV Density Adjustments
    7. Placing Interior Lighting
    8. Placing Light Portals
    9. Using Reflection Probes
    10. Post-Process Volume
  • Architectural Materials
    1. What Is a Master Material?
    2. Creating the Master Material
    3. Creating Material Instances
    4. Advanced Materials
  • Creating Cinematics with Sequencer
    1. Getting Started with Sequencer
    2. Animating the Camera
    3. Editing the Shots
    4. Saving
    5. Collaborating
    6. Rendering to Vidoe

طريقة التسجيل في الدورة :

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    • الدفع من خلال البطاقات البنكية  Visa أو Mastercard .

    • الدفع من خلال زين كاش على الرقم التالي 0788052103 .

    • الدفع في مقر الأكاديمية ( يجب تعبئة نموذج الالتحاق ايضا للحجز المبدئي) 

  • تواصل معنا عبر الواتساب وسيتم الرد بشكل مباشر Whatsapp icon - Free download on Iconfinder
  • العنوان : عمان – شارع الجامعة الأردنية – مقابل البوابة الرئيسية – مجمع الحسن والشحرور –  الطابق الخامس – مكتب 507     للحجز : يرجى الإتصال على الرقم التالي : 0788052103 – 0788757093

دورات مقترحة :